Professor Dr. JJ Isaac


Dr. JJ Isaac is presently Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at the PARK College of Engineering and Technology and a Faculty Adviser to VESRAD. He holds the degrees of B.Sc (Eng) (Hons) (Mechanical Engineering), University of Ceylon and M.Sc & Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering – Aero Propulsion), Cranfield, UK. He was formerly the Additional Director, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories as well as its Head, Propulsion Division and Head Wind Energy Division and after retirement, till very recently, Adviser, Propulsion Division. He has over 45 years of R&D experience in the fields of Aero-Propulsion, Applied Fluid Dynamics, Experimental Combustion and Gas Dynamics, and Renewable Energy (Wind, Solar, and Geothermal Energy). At CSIR-NAL he has led a large number of R&D programmes sponsored by VSSC-ISRO, DRDL/GTRE-DRDO, MNRE, CSIR and also has been associated, at PARK College, with R&D programmes sponsored by NSTL-DRDO and C-WET/MNRE. He is a Fellow of both the Aeronautical Society of India and the Institution of Engineers (India).